Sea Full of Waves

How do you find your voice in a sea full of waves? Each swell crashing harder and spreading wideruntil suddenly you find your voice being swept away in the chaos of life. Eventually you have to decide: Sink or Swim? Are you going to push past the barriers and breakthrough?

Isn't it amazing that even in the greatest depths of sorrow God still remains?! Those swells crashing all around you hold nothing to the very power of His name!

We are still very much in the thick of this battle with ALS. In the last 3 months- my mom has progressed faster than what we thought possible. And yet, here we are in the midst of the deepest water possible and by the grace of God we are swimming. I look around and know that by every other standard we should be sinking. In fact, at this point we should have already drifted off into the abyss.

But, today- I am grateful for a love that sustains.


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